After understanding the science and the dire impacts of a 1.5 degree Celsius global temperature increase by 2030; last March the youth climate activists gave themselves an 11-year deadline (which is now down to 10 years) and are working to mobilize the government, world leaders and the public into stopping business-as-usual. They hope to create through interventions unprecedented changes to the industry, public infrastructure, energy, and land use in order to prevent the irreversible damaging effects of climate change that have already started to occur. In the past year, youth leaders have built an intersectional movement for climate justice where they not only fight to save the planet, but also to end systems of oppression. Some of the demands include the protection of Indigenous lands as well as Indigenous sovereignty, support for climate refugees, and priority for those who have historically faced environmental racism, divestment from fossil fuels, as well as a Green New Deal here in the US.